Is El Nino Coming and Are You Prepared?

Is El Nino Coming and Are You Prepared?

California and the Western US have been in the midst of a severe drought with water storage supplies becoming dangerously low. Fortunately there may be relief coming in the way of an El Nino weather pattern. As of June 2014 the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) predicts the chance of an El Nino for the Northern Hemisphere this summer to be 70% and increasing to 80% during the winter.

The effects of El Nino throughout the US could be dramatic. For example in parts of Southern California rain totals could equal 172% of Normal Precipitation. For parts of Northern California totals could reach 145% of Normal Precipitation. Other areas such as Washington D.C. could experience decreased snowfall amounts and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts hurricane season to be near or below normal levels. El Nino has not arrived yet and the situation is still unpredictable but conditions continue to be favorable.

Many utilities and water districts are already preparing for a wetter than usual winter. Routine maintenance such repairs, washouts, dry inspections and coating rehabs have been postponed for several years due to high fire danger and low water supplies. An El Nino winter is the perfect time to catch up with maintenance and repairs so upkeep is not required during the next drought.

In addition, some districts are installing storm water storage tanks to recapture water and reduce overflowing of treatment plants.

Superior Tank Company, Inc. can provide replacement parts and new bolted steel tanks for storm water storage.

Visit our parts page!

Contact us for more information to see how we can help you prepare for El Nino!

