AIS/Buy American Compliance Statement

Buy-American Products

In meeting the statutes outlined by The Buy American Act, Superior Tank Co., Inc. has the ability to offer above-ground steel storage tanks which pass the imposed two-part test to be considered a “domestic end product”.

Two-part test includes:

  1. The end-product must be manufactured in the United States, and
  2. More than 50 percent of the cost of all the component parts must also be manufactured in the United States.

To provide our customers with peace of mind in purchasing Buy American products, Superior Tank can provide Certified Material Test Report (MTR’s), which detail the various testing and analysis completed to the steel coils ensuring full adherence to Buy American provisions.

American Iron and Steel (AIS) Compliance Statement:

For any potable water or wastewater related projects requiring funding from the State Revolving Funds (SRF), the AIS provision is a permanent requirement through Fiscal Year 2023. The American Iron and Steel (AIS) provision requires Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) assistance recipients to use iron and steel products that are produced in the United States. This requirement applies to projects for the construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of a public water system or treatment works.

With our corporate headquarters and manufacturing facilities located throughout the United States, in California and Texas respectively, Superior Tank Co., Inc has the ability to offer above-ground bolted and welded steel storage tanks1 which comply with the American Iron & Steel (AIS) provision. In utilizing the National Product Waiver of Minor Components in Iron & Steel Products (with Ceiling Costs), AIS ensures that “all manufacturing processes, including application of coatings, must take place in the US, with the exception of metallurgical processes involving refinement of steel additives. All manufacturing processes include processes such as melting, refining, forming, rolling, drawing, finishing, fabrication and coating.” (EPA Memo, Page 6).

Upon request, Superior Tank Co. Inc. can provide a signed AIS Letter of Certification certifying the product’s full compliance with the required AIS provision and subsequent statutes.

For more information regarding the State Revolving Fund American Iron & Steel (AIS) Requirement, visit:


Notice of Buy American or AIS Compliance must be made known to your Superior Tank Sales Representative at the time of quotation and ordering in order to properly prepare all documentation and materials prior to beginning manufacturing.

1. Superior Tank currently offers welded steel storage tanks in the states of California, Nevada & Arizona.